Trepadeira 01

Version: 1.2

System to scatter a climbing plant over 3D mesh.

Base Settings Properties


Mesh Type

Define if mesh is open or close.

Open Mesh | Closed Mesh

Subdivision Level

Define a subdivision level of mesh if mesh type is open.

0 <> 3 (Unlocked)

Remesh Size

Define the density on remesh grid.

0 <> 1 (Unlocked)

Mesh Offset

Define offset between remeshed mesh and plant.

-10 <> 10 (Unlocked)

Ground Offset

Define the height from which the plant will start growing in the mesh.

-5 <> 5 (Unlocked)

Branches Properties


Start Axis

Define roots location based on 3D axis.

By X | By Y | By Z

Reverse Start Axis

Reverse a roots location 3D axis.

Boolean Button

Mask Debug Mode

Change final mesh to a debug mesh.

Boolean Button

Debug Type

Define which stage being debugged

Base Mask | Density Mask | Branches Path

Base Mask

Define if final mesh use a base mask to exclude branches of specific regions.

Boolean Button

Branche Base Noise Mask


Base Mask Amplitude

Define base amplitude value of base mask.

0 <> 10 (Unlocked)

Base Mask Amplitude Remap Ramp

Remap base mask amplitude values.

Color Ramp

Branche Density


Density Mask Amplitude

Define base amplitude value of density mask.

0 <> 10 (Unlocked)

Density Amplitude Remap Ramp

Remap density mask amplitude values.

Color Ramp


Connect Adjacent Point Radius

Define max distance for points connection o branches generation.

0.03 <> 2 (Unlocked)

Branch Density

Define a density of points has scattered that is used to generate a branches.

50 <> 1000


Hanging Branch Amount

Define how much points that pointing to ground is used to instantiate a hanging branch.

0 <> 1 (Locked)

Growth State

Define a grow state of plant.

0 <> 1 (Locked)

Leaf Properties


Leaf Amount

Define how much points of branches is really used to instantiate a leaf.

0 <> 1 (Locked)

Leaf Global Scale

Manipulate a scale of every leaf's on the same scatter system.

0 <> 3 (Unlocked)

Leaf Max Scale

Define maximum size of every leaf's on the same scatter system.

0 <> 1 (Unlocked)

Leaf Min Scale

Define minimum size of every leaf's on the same scatter system.

0 <> 1 (Unlocked)

Lead Scale Seed

Define a global scale randomizer seed.

0 <> 10 (Unlocked)

Last Update

  • Add more control of fractal that define a plant path on the mesh.

Update plans / Bug Fix

  • Editable leaf's.

  • Make "Ground Offset" follow "Start Axis" direction.

  • Add auto UV unwrap system.

Last updated